• きょうとがいだいにしこうとうがっこう
  • 京都外大西高等学校

  • Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School
  • 種別 地区
  • 主な活動分野海洋, 気候変動, エネルギー, 環境, 文化多様性, 世界遺産・地域の文化財等, 国際理解, 平和, 人権, ジェンダー平等, 福祉, 持続可能な生産と消費

所在地 〒615-0074 京都府京都市右京区山ノ内苗町37
電話番号 075-321-0712
ホームページ http://kgn.kufs.ac.jp/
加盟年 2013



環境, 世界遺産・無形文化遺産・地域の文化財等, 国際理解, 人権, 健康

国際理解・International Understanding

【国際文化コース】第33回 関西高校模擬国連大会は今年も無事に終了することができました。

第33回関西高校模擬国連大会は、京都外大西高等学校国際文化コース3年生が議長や秘書官、ブロック・リーダーなどを担い、6月21日から23日の日程で、国立京都国際会館において開催されました。10校から約220名の生徒が各国代表に扮して参加し、50カ国ずつに分けられた総会Aと総会Bのそれぞれにおいて、「The Global Water Crisis (世界的な水の危機)」という議題について主に英語で討議しました。

The conference, organized by third-year students of the International Culture Course at Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School, took place from June 21 to 23 at the Kyoto International Conference Center. Approximately 220 students from 10 schools participated, representing various countries. The students engaged in discussions primarily in English, addressing the agenda item “The Global Water Crisis” in separate General Assemblies A and B, with each assembly consisting of delegates from 50 countries.




The students from the B class engaged in discussions and debates primarily in Japanese on the agenda item “International Migration and Development.” This experience provided valuable momentum for the upcoming Kansai High School Model United Nations Conference, where all activities, including rule comprehension and speaking, will be conducted in English.



国際文化コース3年A組・B組とメキシコのグアダハラ自治大学UAG高校(Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara)のEFL(English as a Foreign Language)の授業を履修する生徒との間でリモート留学ビデオプロジェクトを実施し、オンライン交流をしました。楽しみながら交流を深めることができました。

Students from the International Culture Course, 3rd-year A and B classes, collaborated with students taking English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes at Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG) High School in Mexico. They engaged in online interactions through a remote study abroad video project. They deepened their connections while having enjoyable exchanges.


「Litter Less Campaign(ポイ捨てごみゼロ)キャンペーン」中間報告

2022年、本校は、世界の多くの学校が参加するユネスコ本部主催の「Litter Less Campaign(ポイ捨てごみゼロ)キャンペーン」に日本代表として3年間参加することが決まりました。以来、国際文化コースの現2年生は、特別授業や海外との交流を通じて様々な情報交換を行いました。

In 2022, our school decided to participate as the Japanese representative for three years in the UNESCO-led “Litter Less Campaign,” in which many schools worldwide take part. Since then, the current 2nd-year students in the International Culture Course have engaged in various information exchanges through special classes and interactions with overseas schools. 


【国際文化コース】終業式で2年生が「Litter Less Campaign(ポイ捨てごみゼロ)キャンペーン」活動についての報告を行いました


At the closing ceremony, 2nd-year students gave a presentation on the “Litter Less Campaign (ポイ捨てごみゼロ) Campaign,” providing an activity report to all students in the school.






With the exception of periods when activities were restricted due to the impact of COVID-19, the UNESCO Club has been participating annually in the “Gion Festival Zero Waste Project” held in July.

The Gion Festival Zero Waste Project aims to reduce waste generated during the Gion Festival by replacing disposable tableware used at the festival stalls with reusable dishes that can be washed and reused multiple times. It is one of Japan’s largest environmental conservation activities during the festival.

Students from the UNESCO Club actively volunteered during the Gion Festival, working in teams to collect disposable and reusable tableware at various locations. Additionally, they played a role in assisting festival attendees with separating trash and food waste. Through this experience, students gained valuable insights while enjoying the festival atmosphere. They look forward to participating again next year.




The UNESCO club members worked with students from Kyoto Gaidai University to promote and use the Gomi Zero initiative during the Culture Festival. The students worked with local representatives from the Gomi Zero association to prepare disposable and reusable tableware for the school’s Culture Festival. On the day before the Culture Festival, the UNESCO members sorted the disposable and reusable tableware. During the festival, the UNESCO members managed the disposable and reusable tableware and made sure that students were separating trash properly. Afterwards, the UNESCO members were in charge of collecting the disposable and reusable tableware and packed them to be returned.




Our school supported the “Earth Youth Summit 2023 – Discussing a Sustainable Future” as a collaborating school. Students from the International Culture Course also participated, engaging in discussions with students from various countries. The “Earth Youth Summit 2023 – Discussing a Sustainable Future” is led by Misuzu Asari, Associate Professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies and representative of the Kyoto Satoyama SDGs Lab and 3R & Low Carbon Society Certification Office. Recognizing opportunities such as the G7 Summit in Hiroshima and the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, the summit is hosted in Kyoto, a city that continues to advance as an environmental leader for over a quarter of a century. The event gathers high school students from around the world to discuss social issues, including decarbonization. The goal is to foster future leaders and generate momentum for discussions on post-SDGs.



国際文化コース1年生はコミュニティ環境サービスとして、夏休みに留学先のゴミ問題について調査してきましたが、この日は京都市の西部まち美化事務所のご協力の下、学校周辺のゴミ拾いに臨みました。この活動は、本校がユネスコスクールの日本代表として取り組んでいる「Litter Less Campaign(ポイ捨てごみゼロ)キャンペーン」にもつながるものです。


The first-year students of the International Culture Course conducted an investigation into the waste issue in their study abroad destination during the summer vacation as part of their community environmental service. On this day, with the cooperation of the Nishibu Machi Beautification Office in Kyoto City, they engaged in garbage collection around the school. This activity is also related to the “Litter Less Campaign,” which our school is undertaking as the Japanese representative of UNESCO schools.

Additionally, the second-year students of the International Culture Course participated in the Kyoto City Dementia Supporter Caravan’s dementia supporter training course as part of their community welfare service.

無形文化遺産・Intangible Cultural Heritage




1st and 2nd-year members of the Tea Ceremony Club participated in the Reiwa 5 National High School Traditional Culture Festival, specifically the “National High School Tea Ceremony Festival.” On the first day, they took part in “experiences and training related to tea ceremony,” visited Nishihonganji Temple, and experienced making matcha at Sansotei Kamibayashi San’nyū Honpo. On the second day, they conducted a welcoming tea ceremony for guests from across the country and presented a poster session introducing the club’s activities.

From the preparation stages of practicing tea ceremony procedures and serving tea to creating posters and drafting scripts, all members collaborated. On the event day, each member gained valuable experiences, contributing to the operation of the tea ceremony booth and managing the audience. Particularly, members who performed the tea ceremony and presented during the session fulfilled their roles smoothly amid the tension, showcasing the results of their regular practices. This became a significant achievement for the club, fostering a foundation for future activities. The event served as a great cultural exchange with tea ceremony clubs nationwide and Kyoto Prefecture’s PR character, Mayumaro.




The Tea Ceremony Club traditionally sets up the tea room “Kirisian” during the cultural festival, welcoming students, parents, and staff as guests. This year, showcasing the results of their regular practice, all club members were able to demonstrate the tea ceremony. Each member also fulfilled the role of assisting the host during the “hantō” phase, learning the importance of collaboration beyond individual skills to achieve a common goal. The name “Kirisian” is derived from the school’s emblem, featuring the traditional “paulownia pattern,” commonly seen in the world of tea ceremonies. Through such experiences, the Tea Ceremony Club aims to accumulate knowledge and contribute to the development of character through the way of tea, known as “Sadō” or “Chanoyu.”




In the tea room of Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, a graduation tea ceremony for 3rd-year students and a commemorative tea ceremony where exchange students demonstrated the tea ceremony were held. Teachers from the Omotesenke school and homeroom teachers were invited as guests. In recognition of the dedicated efforts in their tea practice, certificates of proficiency were presented to the graduating 3rd-year students and exchange students by the Omotesenke school.




In conjunction with the completion of the Omotesenke School Tea Ceremony credits by the 3rd-year students in the International Culture Course, the 30th Completion Certificate and Proficiency Certificate (Introductory Level) Award Ceremony was conducted at the Omotesenke Kitayama Kaikan. Prior to the ceremony, students had the opportunity to visit the Omotesenke headquarters.




As part of the Omotesenke School Tea Ceremony program in the International Culture Course, 1st-year students visited Daitoku-ji Temple. The students learned about the connection between Sen no Rikyū’s seppuku (ritual suicide) and the Golden Pavilion, studied the history of the Omotesenke school at Jukkōin, and paid respects at the grave of Sen no Rikyū. In the main hall of Zuifūin, after listening to a lecture by the head priest, they practiced zazen (seated meditation) and visited the replica of the national treasure “Mai’an” at Myōki-an. Applying their regular tea ceremony practice, students also performed the tea-serving etiquette. The aim is to acquire certificates and proficiency licenses over two years of practice, enabling them to introduce Japanese traditional culture with precision, even during study abroad experiences. Exchange students from Belgium, Canada, and New Zealand participated, enhancing their understanding of Japanese traditional culture.


人権・Human Rights



On June 5th (Monday), a theater appreciation event was held at Morita Memorial Hall for the first time in four years. The featured production was “Touch ~ From Solitude to Love” by Tokyo Theater Group Kaze. It was an inclusive theater experience with sign language interpreters performing alongside actors on stage, subtitles displayed in the background, audio descriptions of actors’ movements and the play’s events, providing an enjoyable theater experience not commonly encountered.





As part of the new initiative for 1st-year students, an off-campus physical education program was implemented. With the cooperation of Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School, students had the opportunity to experience high school physical education classes. Today, three classes from groups 4 to 7 were divided into volleyball, table tennis, and futsal activities, each guided by high school students. Both high school and junior high school students started the class with some nervousness, but once they started moving, they enthusiastically engaged in activities, resulting in a very positive experience for everyone.



  1. In recent years, we have been unable to visit welfare facilities for experiential learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we plan to resume such activities from the next academic year. ここ数年はコロナ禍で福祉施設を訪問して体験学習をさせていただくことができませんでしたが、次年度からは再開の予定です。
  2. We plan to participate in the “Young Reporters for the Environment” photo contest and the 34th Kansai High School Model United Nations Conference, addressing topics related to the “Litter Less Campaign. 今後は、「Young Reporters for the Environment(環境のための若者レポーター)」フォトコンテストに参加したり、「Litter Less Campaign(ポイ捨てごみゼロ)」に関連する議題を扱う第34回関西高校模擬国連大会に参加する予定です。
  3. The UNESCO club members are interested in raising money for poor children in Africa. They would like to do a fundraising event in 2024. The UNESCO club is currently researching and looking at different organizations to see which would be suitable for them. This plan was inspired by one of the UNESCO members who had seen a commercial online for poor children in Africa. ユネスコ部員はアフリカの貧しい子供たちのために募金を集めることに興味を持っています。全員が2024年に募金イベントを行いたいと考えています。ユネスコ部は現在、適切な団体を探して調査中です。この計画は、ユネスコ部員の一人がオンラインでアフリカの貧しい子供たちのための広告を見たことに触発されました。
  4. In 2024, we will continue to encourage and support education in international awareness, environment, intangible cultural heritage, health, and human rights through activities conducted in 2023. 2024年においても、2023年に実施された活動を通じて、国際意識、環境、無形文化遺産、健康、人権に関する教育を促進し、支援していく予定です。
