Interschool Exchanges

UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet schools) are encouraged to interact with other domestic and international member schools through their network, to recognize the qualities of the partner schools and to learn from one another.
With over 12,000 UNESCO Associated Schools worldwide, the network can bring together schools sharing the same ideals and principles. Why not look for a partner school in Japan?

Interschool exchange reports

Check out the reports from schools which participated in interschool exchanges here.

How to find a partner school

The Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) , which serves as the secretariat for UNESCO Associated Schools in Japan, will help you find a partner school upon your request. See below for the interschool exchange matching process.

*In principle, only requests from ASPnet schools are accepted.

1. Receive Application Form

Schools wishing to interact with a UNESCO Associated School in Japan are asked to fill in the Application Form which can be downloaded by clicking the Application Form button below. The Form should be sent to us via email to: .
Provide as much detail as possible so that we can find the most suitable partner school for you. We will send you an email upon receiving your Application Form.

・Please let us know if you do not hear from us within seven business days.
・We may ask you further questions regarding the content of the Application Form, as needed.

2. Search for partner school

ACCU will search for a suitable partner school by reaching out to member schools. We will share your Application Form to the interested schools and ask them to fill in the Application Form to share with you.
Please note that it will take a certain amount of time to find a suitable school. We will do our best to find a school that matches your requests but would like to ask for your understanding should we be unable to.
In case there are multiple schools which are interested, we will send you their Application Forms and ask you to select the school with which you would like to interact.

3. Match up and start up!

After we successfully find a partner school for you, we will disclose the contact information to both schools respectively, so that you may directly communicate with each other thereafter. Specific details of the interschool exchange will be discussed between the schools.

4. Submit interschool exchange report

We kindly ask you to submit a report of the experience you had with your partner school after the exchange programme comes to an end. If the exchange will carry on for multiple years, please send us a report each year after March, which is the end of the school year in Japan.
The report will be posted on this website as well as the Japanese website to be shared to member schools for reference.

Outcomes of interschool exchanges

Interschool exchanges have shown to have various positive and transformative effects on students, teachers, and schools alike, as they offer opportunities of new discoveries and experiences. Below are some of the reported outcomes:

  • ­ Friendships
  • ­ Deeper understanding of study themes
  • ­ Improved ability to think flexibly
  • ­ Enhanced communication skills
  • ­ Increased self-esteem, self-affirmation, and motivation to learn
  • ­ Enhanced quality of educational activities
  • ­ Reaffirmation of one’s own country or region’s qualities
  • ­ Expanded global perspective
  • ­ Cross-cultural understanding and respect for cultural diversity
  • ­ Awareness of the importance of action, communication, and solidarity for a sustainable future (development of a sense of ownership of global issues)


What kind of communication methods are there?

There are various ways to communicate, such as through letters, emails, exchange of artwork and videos, online meetings, and school visits, depending on your partner school and the ICT environment.

What would be the content of the exchange programme?

In many cases, schools start off by having students introduce themselves and their schools. Depending on the developmental stage of the students and the needs and situations of the schools, the programme can be expanded into cultural exchanges or having students work on presentations or collaborative learning on a particular study theme.

Is there anything to keep in mind when interacting with schools in Japan?

It is important for both sides to be aware of the time difference, as well as the school year* and semester schedules when planning activities. Furthermore, there may be instances where things do not proceed as expected due to communication tool conditions or differences in cultural backgrounds. Enjoy the interaction along with its challenges with a positive and flexible mind, taking it as an opportunity to deepen cross-cultural understanding and to improve problem-solving skills.


Contact information for inquiries and application for interschool exchange
Secretariat for UNESCO ASPnet in Japan
Education Cooperation Department
The Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) 

*The Japanese school year starts from April and ends in March of the following year.
A typical school has:
a summer break from mid-/end of July to end of August,
a winter break from mid-/end of December to the beginning of January, and
a spring break from mid-/end of March to early April.
Some schools have autumn breaks as well.