The Annual National Conference and Regional Conferences for the UNESCO Associated Schools Network

 To promote the activities of UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet schools), the National Conference for the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPNet) is held once a year to connect individuals and stakeholders affiliated with UNESCO Associated Schools in Japan. The conference aims to showcase the latest information on ASPnet schools in Japan and abroad, serving as a platform for the exchange of best practices, as well as teachers’ knowledge and opinions on problem-solving in educational settings. The conference also seeks to provide opportunities for students to deliver presentations and for various stakeholders to collaborate with one another.

Prior to the national conference each year, regional conferences are also held to facilitate the discussion of how the uniqueness of each region can be appropriately harnessed, as well as how networks within the region can be appropriately utilised. Regional conferences are predominantly held at member universities of the Interuniversity Network Supporting the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPUnivNet), with the specific venue varying each year.